Lund Tourist Information Center

The voluntary tourist information Destination Lund and Lund Greeters

Welcome to the oldest city in nowadays Sweden

Destination Lund is a voluntary non-profit tourist agency with the largest amount of tourist information about Lund, the oldest city in nowadays Sweden. The city of Lund was established already in year 964 by the Danish king Harald Bluetooth and his Vikings. Lund was an important ecclesiastical city during the medieval time, and archbishopric for the whole Christian Scandinavia. The history of Lund is exceptionally interesting!

Get an overview

To start with, please read the overview of Lund to get an overview of the most interesting and special about Lund as a visitor destination, or have a look at the visitor guides to see how much there is to experience in Lund. Read more about us and who we are. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are a tourist agency that answers questions every day of the year, and we usually have short response times.

The medieval Lund was as an important church town in the Danish Kingdom During the Middle Ages, Lund was an important church town in the Danish Kingdom, and the archbishopric center for Scandinavia.

Let us show you Lund

Destination Lund is a tourist agency that offer greeter service for up to 6 visitors for free, as part of the International Greeter Association. For larger groups, we can support finding a guide, which will be at some expense. Last year, Lund greeters showed the city to visitors from 32 different countries.

Let our greeters show you Lund We have greeter service for visitors. Let our greeters show you Lund!

Meet Lund Greeters at April 12, in Lund city hall

Welcome to an event at April 12 between 10:30 and 12:30 at “Botulfshörnan” in the Lund city hall Stortorget in Lund. Several of the Lund greeters will be there and answer questions about Lund Greeters and about Lund as a destination. You will have the opportunity to ask questions in English about what greeters are. There will also be information of Destination Lund's tourist information about Lund's Viking Age and medieval history and about the university city of Lund. At 11:00 there will be a lecture "Lund as a visitor gets to see it with Lund Greeters". The lecture takes about 45 minutes and in Swedish and shows pictures of what tourists and visitors will see when they experience Lund together with Lund Greeters in Swedish.

Lund Greeters at the King's Street in Lund 2024

Tourist information - Planning your visit in Lund

How to travel to Lund

On the page about travel information you will find useful information when planning a visit to Lund. There is also information about hotels and restaurants, which most can be reached by walking since the distances are short, and where to find ATMs and public toilets.

Here you will find Lund's largest range of tourist information!

On the page about visitor guides about Lund, you find visitor guides with information about interesting things to do during your visit in Lund. Our tourist information is mobile friendly, free of charged and advertising. It opens directly in the mobile phone; no app needs to be downloaded.

Mobile friendly visitor guides about Lund without apps

On the page events, you find interesting recurring events in Lund. We are in contact with some guides that offer guided tours on request for larger groups in different languages at some expense. We also offer free greeter service in English or Swedish, aimed at smaller groups of maximum 6 persons.

Contact us if you have any questions

If you have any questions during planning or before your visit to Lund, you are most welcome to contact us. We answers questions every day of the year, and we usually have short response times. We do not sell anything, even our greeter service is for free. We are a non-profit tourist organisation operated by locals living in Lund.

Lund Greeters show and tell about Lund to tourists and visitors Our greeters can show and tell you a lot about the history of Lund and the university city of Lund.

Plan your visit to the Lund Carnival 2026

You almost have to experience the Lund Carnival, the absolute largest event in Lund. The planning of the Lund Carnival 2026 has now started, and it will tentatively be arranged May 22 to 24, 2026. The Lund Carnival is usually organized by about 7,000 students at Lund University. About 500,000 visitors are coming during the three days that the event takes place, from Friday to Sunday. In the large visitor guide about the Lund Carnival, you will find information about everything you need to know about the Lund Carnival to experience it as much as possible.

Lund Carnival 2026, one of the largest recurring events in Lund

Discover interesting places and attractions in Lund

In Lund, there are many interesting places with fascinating history to discover. Nowadays Lund is an important student city with one of the largest and most popular universities in Sweden. The north east part is one of the largest research areas in northern Europe, still growing with the establishment of European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV, the brightest X-ray source in the world, due to their homepage. With our visitor guides you can guide yourself to discover some interesting places in Lund.

The Main square in Lund, the oldest square in nowadays Sweden Browse these images to see some attractions in Lund. The Main square is more than thousand years old and the oldest square in nowadays Sweden.
The Cathedral in Lund The amazing Cathedral in Lund is the most visited church in Sweden. In 2023 it will be 900 years since the crypt was inaugurated.
The medieval Cloister church in Lund When in Lund, do not miss the beautiful, small medieval Cloister church. The only church in Lund, except the Cathedral, that was not teared down after the Reformation.
The University Building in Lund The University building was inagurated August 27th 1882 by King Oscar II.
Lund’s Student-Singers at the steps of the University main buildning in Lund Lund’s Student-Singers greet Spring on the steps of the University main buildning at May First every year.
A lovely allotment at one of the allotment areas in Lund Try a biking trip to some of the 18 lovely allotment areas in Lund. They are opened for visitors during the summer.
Adelgatan in Lund, one of the beautiful old streets of Lund Take a walk in the old streets of Lund. Experience the small cobblestone streets surrounded by hollyhocks and roses.

Since we are fully voluntary and non-profit, we have not been able to produce so much information in English yet. We do have a page on Instagram were we post photos about Lund now and then with information in English.