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More about Lund's voluntary tourist information

Destination Lund Tourist information
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Lund's voluntary tourist information Destination Lund is a non-profit tourist agency, commercially and politically independent, that informs about Lund as a tourist destination. We have the largest selection of tourist information, and answer questions about Lund as a destination. On request, we can suggest hotels and restaurants.

Destination Lund as Lund greeters is also part of the International Greeter Association. Greeters are a service providing visitors, up to 6 persons, to experience the city together with a local citizen. For larger groups, we pass on guided tour requests to the authorized guides we cooperate with.

The tourist agency Lund's voluntary tourist information Destination Lund's medieval walk

Destination Lund is organized as a network, not a formal association, and without any financial resources. The active members contribute completely voluntarily and unpaid. Our goal is to increase tourism to Lund, to strengthen Lund as a destination, create more jobs and thereby a more enjoyable Lund for all. Several of the active members are greeters or give guided tours. The Facebook group “Lunds turistförening” [in Swedish] is a supporter group and discussion forum, open for anyone who is interested in discussing Lund tourism. There are many persons contributing in different valuable ways.

A tourist agency about Lund, started in 2017

Lund voluntary tourist information started January 2, 2017, and soon developed into a tourist agency, today with the largest range of tourist information about Lund. Initially, the goal was not to become a tourist agency, but soon it turned out that other businesses in the city were not interested in collaborating with us to strengthen Lund as a destination. Therefore, we started to provide services to tourists and visitors and inform about Lund as a tourist destination at our own.

A guided tour for members in “Lund turistförening” (tourist organisation) in August 2018 A guided tour for members in “Lund turistförening” in August 2018.

Lund's non-profit tourist information Destination Lund aims to attract visitors who want to experience the city, not just visiting events. The response from both residents, several others in the Nordic region, and visitors has been tremendous. Therefore, Lund's non-profit tourist information Destination Lund has grown significantly year by year despite the limitations such as lack of financial resources. There are also many persons from Denmark following our tourist information on social media, of course not surprising since so much of the old history and tourist attractions in Lund is Danish cultural history.

One of Lund greeters showing Lund to two Canadian girls in summer 2023 One of Lund greeters showing Lund to two Canadian girls in summer 2023.